On behalf of the Committee, players, sponsors & supporters of Orkney RFC I would like to pass on my sincere thanks for the work that Bruce has put into his role as ORFC Rugby Development Officer over the past 5 years.
He came into the new role with a blank canvas and the challenge of further developing rugby through all levels within the Club and Orkney Schools. He has certainly achieved this and the feedback that the Committee receive from the schools and the SRU back-up the hard work that he and the Modern Apprentices have done during this period. We wish Bruce and his family all the best with their move to Stewarts-Melville in Edinburgh. So, as this chapter closes, another one is about to be opened...... Orkney RFC have just released a Job Advert for the post of a replacement Rugby Development Officer in Orkney. Details can be found on our Home page and in the SRU and SportScotland websites. Neil McCartney Chairman ORFC In case you are unaware, information regarding Scottish Rugby’s Youth Policies, including dates for applications etc, for the coming season can be found at http://www.scottishrugby.org/get-involved/play/age-banding .
![]() On Friday 4th July 2014, Orkney RFC held the annual Summer Camp Rugby Activity Day. Despite the mild and wet conditions the day was still able to be held outside on the Pickaquoy outfield pitches. The day ran for a total of 5 hours with a total of 42 kids involved throughout the day. First of all was the P1-3’s from 10am – 12noon who all showed that their Tag Rugby skills were at a very high level considering the age of the kids. The P4-7’s were then from 1pm – 3pm who showed that their knowledge and experience of the game of Tag Rugby was at a level to compete with the coaches involved within the session. Within both age groups we were able to cover a massive range of activities such as assault courses, ball skills/exercises, Tag bulldogs, Stadium ball, Tag Rugby games and even some kicking & catching. Scottish Rugby has confirmed all national and regional league fixtures for the forthcoming season.
Orkney RFC's first league match is home v Mackie Academy FP RFC on Saturday 6th September, with Bowl & Shield prelim matches scheduled to take place on Sat 23 &30 August. A list of fixtures for Caledonia League Division 1 is available here: http://www.scottishrugby.org/fixtures-results/?competition=98924 You can also download a PDF of all league fixtures from the SRU website. All club fixtures can be found on the club calendar ![]() Orkney RFC works with Orkney's Mini Commonwealth Celebration 2014, a collaborative sports programme between Orkney Disability Forum and St Colm's/Keelylang. Bruce Ruthven led three exciting tag rugby sessions on Tuesday mornings from 11am - 12pm from 6th May to 20th May as part of the Orkney Mini Commonwealth Celebration 2014. The sessions were set up in the Pickaquoy Centre in 2 side by side courts (1/2 arena) and were enjoyed by all participants from St Colm's, Scottish Autism and independent individuals. On Friday 20th June St. Andrews Primary School were involved in their annual festival of rugby. The whole school was involved and this gave everyone a chance to show their skills from the coaching blocks given throughout the year. The day was coordinated by Bruce Ruthven, Mrs Kirkness and Mrs Moar.
To start the day of, the P1-3’s had their festival which consisted of 12 teams split into 3 different pitches. This meant there were 4 teams per pitch giving everyone plenty of game time. The P1-3 festival was from 9:30am – 10:45am. Players were put into house teams of either, Seals, Otters, Dolphins or Beavers. Each team had a P7 captain who assisted with warm ups, substitutions throughout the games and also getting teams on & off the pitch. There will be a summer rugby Activity Day on Friday 4th July for P1-P7.
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